The Health and Safety Lawyers’ Association

Who we are?
The Health and Safety Lawyers' Association (HSLA) is the professional association for prosecution and defence solicitors, barristers and lawyers who practice in and areas associated with health and safety law. We currently have over 650 members across the UK.

What we do
We run a comprehensive programme of events throughout the year and across the UK with the aim of sharing knowledge and good practice amongst our members.

Become a member
Our aims and objectives include: To act as thought leaders and shape the development of health and safety law and issues effecting the enforcement and court process associated with it. To further research and educate and train its members; and to promote the expertise of its members in dealing with issues of health and safety law.

How to join?
The subscription for HSLA membership is £75.00 per person. The HSLA membership year is the calendar year -- from January to December. There is no reduction for joining partway through the year because HSLA events are free to members or heavily subsidised by HSLA.

We run a comprehensive programme of events throughout the year and across the UK with the aim of sharing knowledge and good practice amongst our members.
Our events focus on topical issues and key cases in health and safety law and are delivered by experts in this field.
Every year we hold an annual conference and dinner. As well as being attended by a number of our members and non-members, we also host key influencers in the world of health and safety including from The Health and Safety Executive, Crown Prosecution Service, British Safety Council, Institute of Directors, IOSH and Trades Union Congress and others.
One of the benefits of being a HSLA member is access to our ‘Knowledge‘ section. There are ZOOM video recordings of events and downloadable PDF’s 2015 -2019. in ‘Resources.’
Recent documents include:
- Inquests, Inquiries and Public Expectations
- HSE’s new strategy and approach to regulation and enforcement in a post COVID world
- Appealing Enforcement Notices
You can join HSLA online via our Membership page.

Events Calendar
Secretariat HSLA
HSLA Response to the Sentencing Council Consultation
HSLA Response to the Sentencing Council Consultation on Suggested Amendments to the Sentencing of Very Large Organisations (VLOs) On behalf of the Health and Safety Lawyers’ Association we would like to thank the Sentencing Council for this opportunity to comment on the proposals.THE HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATIONhe Health and Safety Lawyers’ Association is a
Sentencing Council Consultation: Guidelines re VLOs
Recording of the ZOOM webinar held on 6 November, 2024 ‘Embedded within a general consultation is a proposal to amend the Sentencing Council’s Guidelines with regard to VLOs Given the direct impact this is likely to have on our membership the HSLA organised this webinar to outline the proposal and discuss the implications so that
Insight into the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 2 Report
A recording of the HSLA webinar with some of the key players involved in the Inquiry provides an overview of what was in the eagerly awaited report An Online Event held via ZOOM – 18 September 2024SPEAKERS:-Austin Stoton, 2 Bedford RowKatie Sage, Crown OfficeSteffan Groch, Partner at DWFMark Davies, 6 Pump CourtHost: Simon Belfield, DWF
Update on the work of the Health and Safety Investigation Unit
Debbie Carroll, Head of HSIU update on the work of the Health and Safety Investigation Unit In-person and Online Event held at the Brodies Edinburgh office. Scottish Summer Drinks – 28 August 2024Debbie Carroll, Head of the Health and Safety Investigation Unit provided an update on the work of the COPFS Health and Safety Investigation
Human factors and the interlink between organisational culture, mental health, mindset and human error.
Professor Tim Marsh discusses “Human factors and the interlink between organisational culture, mental health, mindset and human error.” In-person and Online Event held at the DWF Birmingham office. 24 April, 2024Professor Tim Marsh PhD, MSc, CFIOSH, CPsychol, SFIIRSM is Managing Director of Anker and Marsh and Visiting Professor at Plymouth University. He is considered a
Important Lessons from the Shoreham Air Crash Inquest
Important Lessons from the Shoreham Air Crash Inquest Gerard Forlin KC (counsel for the families of the deceased) and Keith Morton KC (counsel for the Civil Aviation Authority) discussed legal issues arising out of the inquest into the 11 deaths that occurred on the A27 during the Shoreham Airshow on 22 August 2015. Topics included: